How To Stay Organised As A Student

Are you a student struggling with organising issues or just finding misplaced notes written a long time ago? 

As a student, I was never organised or like that-one-girl we all know, who is like the storehouse of stationery and organising aesthetic desk and computer (yes the one YouTube-come-to-life girl). Of course, I was jealous in elementary school but high school grades proved that aesthetic stationery does not form the  basis of organising skills. For ya, in this blog post, we'll explore 15 practical organization tips and discuss cheap and affordable techniques to stay organised and clean.

Wanna grab a cookie? Here's one for ya: 🍪 


1. Start with a Detailed Daily Schedule:

-       Create a daily schedule with specific time slots for each activity.

-       Use digital tools like Google Calendar for easy schedule management.

-       Prioritize tasks by importance and allocate time accordingly.

-       Set reminders and alarms to stay on track throughout the day.

-       Consider color-coding to visually differentiate between activities.

2. Prioritize Your Tasks:

-       Apply the Eisenhower Matrix to classify tasks into urgent and important categories.

-       Focus on urgent and important tasks first to maximize productivity.

-       Use task management apps like Todoist or Trello to organize and prioritize assignments.

-       Set clear goals for each day to ensure you tackle the most important items.

-       Regularly review and adjust your task priorities based on changing deadlines.

3. Utilize a Dedicated Study Planner:

-       Explore digital study planners like Notion or Evernote for efficient organization.

-       Maintain a centralized location for tracking assignments, deadlines, and class schedules.

-       Set up recurring reminders for essential dates and tasks.

-       Keep your study planner updated with real-time information to stay informed.

-       Utilize features like tags and categories to sort and filter your tasks effectively.

4. Create an Organized Study Space:

-       Declutter your study space by removing unnecessary items.

-       Use storage solutions like shelves and drawer organizers to keep supplies tidy.

-       Arrange your workspace to minimize distractions and maximize focus.

-       Invest in comfortable furniture and ergonomic accessories for enhanced productivity.

-       Regularly clean and maintain your study area for a clutter-free environment.

5. Break Down Assignments:

-       Break down assignments into smaller, manageable tasks with clear deadlines.

-       Maintain a task list for each assignment to track your progress.

-       Prioritize tasks within assignments based on complexity and due dates.

-       Allocate specific time blocks for working on different aspects of larger projects.

6. Set Realistic Daily Goals:

-       Set achievable daily goals to avoid overwhelming yourself.

-       Consider the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) criteria when setting goals.

-       Ensure your goals align with your long-term academic and personal objectives.

-       Reflect on your achievements at the end of the day to track your progress.

-       Adjust your goals as needed to accommodate changing priorities and deadlines.

7. Daily Check-Ins:

-       Begin your day with a review of your schedule and to-do list to establish focus.

-       Use digital tools or physical planners to jot down important tasks and appointments.

-       Allocate time for short check-ins during breaks to evaluate your progress.

-       Reflect on your accomplishments in the evening and plan for the next day.

-       Regularly assess whether you're on track to meet your academic and personal goals.

8. Utilize Dead Time:

-       Identify gaps of free time between classes, appointments, or activities.

-       Use these intervals for quick study sessions, reviewing notes, or tackling small tasks.

-       Carry study materials or digital notes for easy access during dead time.

-       Maximize your productivity by turning idle moments into productive learning opportunities.

-       Leverage mobile apps for studying on the go, such as flashcard apps or language learning tools.

9. Healthy Habits Matter:

-       Prioritize self-care by incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine.

-       Maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support physical and mental well-being.

-       Ensure you get adequate sleep to enhance focus, memory, and overall cognitive function.

-       Stay hydrated throughout the day to prevent fatigue and maintain alertness.

-       Consider mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing to manage stress and improve concentration.

10. Eliminate Distractions:

-       Identify common distractions in your study environment and take steps to minimize them.

-       Silence or set your phone to "Do Not Disturb" mode during study sessions.

-       Designate a quiet, dedicated study space where interruptions are minimized.

-       Block distracting websites or apps using productivity tools like website blockers.

-       Establish boundaries with family members or roommates to ensure uninterrupted study time.

11. Set Weekly Goals

-       At the start of each week, dedicate time to planning upcoming assignments, tests, and goals.

-       Create a visual roadmap for the week, highlighting key tasks and deadlines.

-       Use weekly planning to gain a broader perspective of your academic responsibilities.

-       Allocate specific days for focused study sessions and project work.

-       Adjust your weekly goals as needed to accommodate changes or new priorities.

12. Stay Flexible

-       While routines are essential, be prepared to adapt when unexpected events occur.

-       Develop resilience by adjusting your schedule to accommodate unexpected disruptions.

-       Utilize contingency plans for handling emergencies or unexpected workload increases.

-       Maintain a balance between structured routines and the flexibility to handle unforeseen challenges.

-       Stay agile in your approach to maintain productivity and minimize stress.

13. Use Technology Wisely

-       Leverage technology to enhance organization, such as digital calendars and task management apps.

-       Set up recurring reminders for classes, assignments, and study sessions.

-       Embrace productivity tools like note-taking apps and cloud storage for seamless access to study materials.

-       Sync your devices to ensure you have access to your schedule and study resources wherever you go.

-       Stay mindful of screen time and use digital tools strategically to avoid distractions.

14. One Thing at a Time

-       Avoid multitasking during study sessions, as it can reduce overall efficiency and effectiveness.

-       Focus on one subject or task at a time to deepen understanding and retention.

-       Allocate dedicated time blocks for each subject, with brief breaks in between.

-       Practice mindfulness and stay fully engaged in your current task to maximize productivity.

-       Prioritize quality over quantity in your study approach.

15. Note It All Down

-       If you are confused about what to read everyday, you can use a diary to pen down what part has been taught in every lecture, homework, reminders, and questions to ask in the next lecture.

-       Review everyday at home and sit down to revise the present day's portion. If time permits, you might as well learn for further classes in the future.

-       While in the class, take out your notes and write EVERYTHING that the lecturer says- any fun facts, tricks, omissions, extras, or just explanations.

-       Jot down everything as short points or keywords for better understanding.

-       This also helps a lot in paying attention in classes so you never miss out on anything.

-       You can use the after-school time to make concise notes on these, either digital or handwritten.


By incorporating these 15 organization tips into your daily routine, you can create a solid foundation for academic success and overall well-being. Remember that mastering organization is an ongoing journey, so stay committed, stay adaptable, and enjoy the benefits of a more organized student life.

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